Things I'm Thankful For Thursday // 11.28.13
- This amazing partnership with the man of my dreams ~ I'm so looking forward to what the next 15 years have in store for us.
- Having family in Charlotte to spend this holiday with ~ I'm so grateful for the incredible meal we just enjoyed and especially for the luxury of not having had anything to do with the execution. The Klemash family (Brad, in particular) really knows how to lay out a spread!
- A healthy family ~ Wow. What a difference a year makes.
- Facebook ~ Really. It's a small but significant way to keep in touch across the miles and the years.
- Knowing that my mom is doing well on her path
- New friendships
- Dates with my husband
- That our girls still love to crawl into our bed in the morning to "snoogle," giggle, and share their thoughts
~ Happy Thanksgiving, Friends! ~
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