(Consider this the "Speaking of…" issue. It wasn't planned at first. Then I started writing and it started happening --so I just went with it. I don't know. Apparently, I'm in a mood.)
- Plenty of shampoo ~ Every once in awhile I'm struck by how fortunate I am, how beautiful my life is, how differently my kids are growing up than I did. I could go on and on. I'm most struck by this feeling sometimes, in a moment of clarity, when I realize that I don't have to add water to the end of the shampoo bottle to make it last a few more days until my paycheck comes. The life I've built with Mr. Jones exceeds any expectations I may have articulated to myself that go way beyond a full shampoo bottle (Think: healthy children, meaningful relationships, embracing adventure, enjoying one another and valuing our true partnership… ); however, a fresh bottle of lovely shampoo waiting under the bathroom sink really knocks me off my feet sometimes.
- Looking forward to a girls' weekend in Boston with my hysterically funny, witty, spontaneous, fun-loving, wine-sipping, creative, lovely… (Are you barfing a little bit in your mouth yet? Really though, she's something else.) friend, Gretchen ~ Yahoo!
- The weather lately ~ Sunshine, sunshine, sunshine. And speaking of throwing up… Spring has thrown up all over our yard and it's absolutely lovely.
- Flonase ~ Speaking of Spring… I'm delighted with the fact that not only is Flonase working fabulously for me and my nose this season, it's also available over the counter and at Costco! Hurrah! I think the real secret is to get ahead of the season. I started taking my Flonase regularly in March. I know the season is still young… but I'm more hopeful than I've ever been to enjoy a mild allergy season.
- Our recent afternoon with these West Coast Boys ~ A few of our great friends from Oregon and California were on this coast last weekend for a golf trip with the hubby. While the girls and I didn't get to spend nearly enough time with them, it was fun to have a few hours Sunday afternoon to catch up.
- Being invited to dinner ~ Speaking of Greg being away for the weekend… It was so nice that our friends invited the girls and I to their house on Friday evening for an amazing meal. The company, food, wine, and patio were delightful.
- This La Cornue Chateau Range ~ Speaking of incredible meals… Imagine what I could make with this! Swoon. Of course it's never going to happen but a girl can dream, right?
- Pedicures ~ It's not very often that I sneak away for an afternoon pedicure but when I do, I'm always so relaxed and I enjoy every moment. (Especially now that I've found a place that does not do the weird calf-punching thing. Seriously. Stop that.)
- This new stationery design ~ Speaking of punching… Look at this punchy little peony note card I just came up with and listed in the shop. (Ok. That was clearly a stretch--but I'm at the end and the ball has already rolled away!)

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