- The stories pouring out of Texas of those who are going above and beyond ~ Many are showing up and doing whatever they can to rescue, support, feed, and clothe people in need. "Mattress Mack", Zachary Dearing, neighbors, first responders, officials, doctors and hospital staff... The examples go on and on.
- Siblings ~ This is a picture of my brother, Bobby, Greg's sister, Jessica, and Greg at Jessica's baby shower last weekend. Isn't she beautiful?? Greg flew out to Portland to attend and beforehand he had lunch with Bobby. Then they all got to spend time together at the shower and celebrate the pending arrival of our newest nephew. Yahoo!
- Out of the Black ~ I heard this song during Savasana last weekend at my friend, Sam's b-day yoga gathering. Savasana is my absolute favorite "post-vinyasa-hot-as-$hit-yoga" pose. It's also know as "corpse pose" --which I think is SO fitting. (They do it in all yoga classes --but I find it especially rewarding after "vinyasa-hot-as-$hit-yoga" which they specialize in at Y2 in Charlotte.) Do you know the pose? It's the one where you get to just lie on your back after the instructor has kicked your a$$ and reflect on the amazing and difficult hour you just put your body through. I digress. The song, by Billie Marten, is terrific. Give it a listen.
- Sisters ~ The girls started school this week and it's the first time in almost 5 years that they are on different campuses. They are also on different schedules. Geneva begins almost 2 hours after Piper in the morning and she gets out later too. With the wakeup time so drastically different on the front end, I had wondered if Geneva would end up wanting to finally move out of Piper's room for sleeping. So far, that is not the case (not terribly surprising --given that G is our early riser). In fact, on the first morning of school Geneva popped up, got dressed, and hopped in the car with us because she wanted to see Piper off on her first day. The day was long and quiet for me. I had to leave to pick Geneva up before Piper even made it home on the bus despite the almost 2 hour difference (the details of our bus saga are not for a "things I love" post). So when I pulled into the garage with Geneva in-tow, Piper was already home. She did not run into my arms...
- Makeup Tutorials ~ Women, these are so worth your time. My favorite makeup tutorial vlogger is Tanya Burr. Her YouTube channel used to be "PixiWoo" --but now she has her own (very affordable makeup line) and goes by her given name. Just listening to her accent and cheerful demeanor will keep you engaged --but pay attention to the details too. This tutorial for a blue/black smokey eye is one of my favorites (Though, I put it into practice only about twice a year, tops. Also, the video is very early in her vlogging days and a little grainy.) This one for an "everyday look" is great too. Most recently, I watched THIS TUTORIAL from Ali Andreea (another great accent). I have to admit, I was making so many of the "mistakes" she points out. So... if you "make up" your face from time to time (beyond just the everyday mascara and lipgloss) this is worth a few minutes and some possible note-taking.
- Having a few of my great-grandmother's scrap-quilted pot holders ~ I posted this picture today of the delicious leftovers I was enjoying for lunch (recipe here). Later, glancing at the photo, I had a sweet moment of realization that the potholder my recently micro-waved dish is sitting upon is a handmade reminder of my maternal grandfather's mother. GGMa Lizzie made a lot of pot holders and quilts. Scrap quilting was her favorite and I just love the effortless and "happy" result that I am so grateful to have as an "everyday" item in my home.
- This article, What I said When My White Friend Asked for My Black Opinion on White Privilege, by Lori Laken Hutcherson ~ My friend, Mary Heath posted this to her Facebook page this week and I'm so glad that she did and that I had/took the time to click and read. I hope you do too.
- My "Portland Fur" ~ I saw this bag on a woman in a store about a year ago and I was so compelled to reach out and pet it. I felt a little guilty to be so drawn to it --as clearly, a bambi had died to make such a beautiful tote. Instead of groping it, I just quietly confessed to her, "I really love your bag." And guess what?? She said, "Thank you. It's made of vinyl. You can touch it." I was like, "Whaa??!" (but only on the inside). She told me where she bought it. If you live in Charlotte, you can go get one there... However, in doing a little research, I discovered that I could order one online and also have it monogrammed. (!!!) Of course, I promptly ordered one for myself, wrapped it in beautiful paper and stuck it under the tree last Christmas with a tag to me from Greg. I've enjoyed it ever since. It's indestructible and I love it. He was also thoughtful enough to put this matching keyring wallet in my stocking. *wink*
- These Suede d'Orsay loafer flats from J.Crew Mercantile in bright cerise ~ I took Geneva shoe shopping yesterday. She needed a pair of dress flats for Promenade (that's another blog post). Do you know, she wears 1/2 size smaller than I do?? In any case, she came away with a very cute ballet flat and I scored these in the mix. You may notice that they will pair beautifully with my Fringe Cuff from Club Monaco that I blogged about last week.
Thursday, August 31, 2017
Things I Love Thursday // 8.31.17
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