- The fact that my Florida family is ok ~ Harvey, Irma, José?... So much powerful devastation --it's hard to wrap your head around. It looked, for some time, like Irma was going to roll over Ft. Myers with Category 4 strength. Under mandatory evacuation, my brother, sister-in-law, niece, and nephews relocated to a secured shelter nearby and rode out the storm safely. Returning home yesterday, they found that their house sustained far less damage than many neighbors and so many other Americans. We are all so grateful.
- Laughable, Lovable, Longtime-Friends ~ Goodness... Where to begin with the time I was able to spend with one of my closest childhood friends this week? Tiff flew out to NC from California for a business trip and arranged her schedule to rent a car and drive 3 hours south to visit me and spend time getting to know my peeps. We filled 2 days by eating and drinking our way through Charlotte, porch-sitting, laughing, sharing, and catching up --until the wee hours of morning (in the way that's so easy to do with the friends who've known you since you were awkward and pimple-faced).
- Laughing gas ~ Geneva had to have four teeth pulled last week in preparation for braces. The kid has never had a cavity and her anxiety about the extractions reached epic levels when we arrived to the dentist's office for her appointment. Honestly, without nitrous oxide, WE never would have made it through the procedure (no they didn't share any with me --and the whole "pulling" part lasted maybe 90 seconds).
- Fringe You ~ Oh my goodness! These delightful shoe accessories are so fun! My friend, Dani, introduced me to them and now Geneva and I are fighting over the rose gold and sapphire blue (both paired with white). Cheers to fall, laces, and many more opportunities to sport our #fringe.
- Neighborhood Peeps ~ We were delighted to host a small gathering over the holiday weekend and it was a great reminder of the friendships and connection we've made over the past 4+ years in Charlotte. Since our first home in Land Park (Sacramento), Greg and I have been fortunate to live among some of the most engaging, genuine, and friendly people. So much "everyday happiness" is found when you're among good peeps. #SpendTimeInYourFrontYard (or backyard, in this case)
- Tiny Desk Concert with Jason Isbell ~ First of all, I just love NPR's Tiny Desk --if you haven't checked any out yet, do so. Greg sent me a link to the recent session with Jason Isbell. We love Jason Isbell and I love this easy performance. I hope you do too.
- New patio furniture ~ We are in the process of updating the front and back porches (as I like to do with pillows, seasonally). After 4 years with the wooden rockers, I thought it was time for a bigger change. I look forward to showing you what I'm planning with the fun table/chair sets I recently found. No worries! We are keeping a couple rockers out there --this IS the South. ;)
- Geneva's painting ~ If you've been reading along, you might already know that Geneva and I took an amazing painting class with local artist, Heidi Kirschner, to celebrate Geneva's birthday (I blogged about it here). Doesn't Geneva's piece look great in our family room??
Thursday, September 14, 2017
Things I Love Thursday // 9.14.17
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