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Thursday, February 27, 2020
Things I Love Thursday // 2.27.20
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Thursday, February 20, 2020
Things I Love Thursday // 2.20.20
- Thoughtfulness - My birthday happened last month. Should be no new news for those who read along regularly --as I remind people as often as possible leading up to and then for the entire month of January that we have reason to celebrate. HA! Unbelievably, today was the first opportunity I had this year to spend some time with one of my favorite people. Sara presented me with a gift she'd been hanging onto since early January. And it was THIS. Come on. Stop. It's perfection. Love the sentiment, love the little foxy's face, love that the fox reference calls back to an amazing friendship weekend spent with dear girlfriends (#foxtribe), and I especially love the thoughtful selection and time she put into making me this sweetest gift. Love. (If you happen to be in Charlotte on March 9th and want to learn how to cross-stitch, one of my favorite companies, Skillpop, is offering a beginner workshop and as of this morning, there are 4 seats left.)
- Talking Teenagers - We're in the thick of it: 7th grade and 8th. (Enjoying almost all of it so far.) The hubby travels, the squirrels have many after-school activities and a lot of homework. Plus they have a growing social life to live with their friends on and offline. We try to sit down to dinner when it's possible and we're grateful that it happens 1-2 times a week. We have an unspoken "no devices during family dinner" policy and look forward to checking in and catching up. Just the other day, our youngest brought out her Chat Pack (which we hadn't used in a long time) and we were all reminded what a fun and useful tool this little box of wide-ranging questions can be. I pulled out 3 cards by chance to set up this photo. They read, Whenever you are having a bad day, what is the best thing you can do to help cheer yourself up?, If rain could fall in any scent, what scent would you want it to be?, and Most people have a favorite story or experience that they love to share with other people. Here's your chance: What's your story?. You can see from this random sampling that the questions are sometimes silly and sometimes door-opening to an actual conversation. It's interesting and sometimes eye-opening to discover where the prompt leads. If family dinners are impossible, these might also be a fun thing to keep in the glove box for moments between here and there or on the nightstand for an exchange before bedtime.
- Amazon Fresh - I mentioned this a couple weeks ago as "Amazon Prime" but have come to distinguish that the service I am in love with is actually called Amazon Fresh. If you're logged onto your Amazon account (and it is set up like mine is) then under the search bar in a tiny font on the left, there is a drop down option called "Fresh" --THIS is what you're looking for (if you like fresh groceries delivered to your doorstep in paper bags within the 2-hour free delivery window of your choosing, that is). With a Prime membership, there is no delivery fee; however, Amazon will add a suggested tip which you can choose to edit or remove (I do hope you'll not remove it completely).
- JR Watkins Dish Soap - Remember when I changed my toothpaste and I was all jazzed about making little changes like this to get out of possible "ruts" we might not even realize we're in? Well... still good advice BUT I have learned that not every change is a good one. I tried a new dishwashing soap and it was no bueno. The dishes were still getting cleaned but my sponge was so stinky! Ew. Not all dish soaps are created equal. I am back to my favorite and I will not be straying anytime soon. J.R.Watkins is where it is at.
- My Bed - Listen, I loved the opportunity to get away with Mr. Jones last week and am so very grateful for our annual trip to Cancun with some of the most fantastic folks from all over the country and all the many parts of our 22-year-life with his amazing company. But... damn. MY bed is cozy and it felt so very delicious to fall into it on Thursday night last week! If you're considering a "mattress in a box" --we definitely recommend them. We bought one years ago for the guest bedroom and after enough people raved about it, we spent a night on it ourselves. The next day, we ordered one for our bedroom and following that, when the girls traded up their twins for queens, we bought the same type. (All of ours are from Costco. I think we have 2 Novaforms and a Simmons version.) Even if you're not shopping for a new mattress, I hope you treat yourself to some quality sheets, perfect-for-you pillows, and your personal winning combination of blankets/comforters/quilts. Cheers to a blissful bed!
This post may contain affiliate links and I may make a HUGE commission (j/k it's literally pennies) when you click on the links at no additional cost to you. You should know (and I'm legally required to tell you) that as an Amazon Affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Feel free to make me RICH. lol ;)

Friday, February 14, 2020
What I've Read Recently // January 2020
There're a lot of storylines woven throughout this novel. I found it to be entertaining and engaging. If you're a fan of Hilderbrand already, you're going to love this book. While I would still categorize it as a "beach read" --it was meatier than most. I enjoyed the cultural touchpoints that were woven throughout the story: Women's Movement, Vietnam War, Chappaquiddick, the Moonwalk, Woodstock... While the characters were interesting --each of three sisters dealing with their own various problems (Blair: feeling sidelined from rewarding work to stay home and raise twins and suspecting her husband is having an affair; Kirby: reeling from a dark secret and trying to navigate an interracial relationship she knows her family would not approve of; and Jessie: struggling through puberty, heartbreak, and missing her brother who is fighting in Vietnam), a mother who blurs her desperation of missing her son with alcohol, and a grandmother who has a secret of her own... there was a lot in the pages but ultimately, I didn't really fall in love with any of them.
This book was challenging. Despite its cheerful cover art, which I assumed suggested a fun and perhaps off-the-wall story --it was actually very dark. I found that I struggled to pick up and when I did, I was left feeling sad. I tried talking to friends about it the process of getting through the story and found that what kept be going is that I did end up caring about Jessa (main character) and really wanted her to climb out of her grief. I craved some happiness for her. Don't get me wrong, I didn't need rainbows and butterflies --but I definitely needed a little ray of sunshine to peek through the storm. This book is raw. It's uncomfortable. Ultimately, I'm glad I kept turning the pages. It's a good story that is told vividly and with an honesty that makes the reader squirm.
I picked this book up because I enjoyed Sager's other work, Lock Every Door which I very much enjoyed and reviewed here. Unfortunately, The Last Time I Lied was not nearly as enjoyable. I thought the story was thin, the character's decisions were not all that plausible, and because the story felt so tedious to get through, the ultimate twist felt like a trick instead of a delightful shock.
As usual with Audible --now that I always preview the narration by listening to the sample, I very much enjoyed the story that these voices brought forth. The pacing of the reading was perfect with the way the story unfolded. I'm confident that reading Segovia's words from the page would also be an amazingly enjoyable experience --she writes with such beauty and richness. The Murmur of Bees is the story of a lifetime and the tale cannot be rushed. Simonopio found an easy entrance into my heart and I'm sure he will find his way into yours as well. However, if you need a "page-turner" or a lot of bold action, this is not that.
I bought this book after an enlightening conversation with a new friend who is also raising two kids, similarly aged to mine. She mentioned the "Salary Plan" and I had so many questions! Her family's plan was born from Hunt's main idea (enhanced by a couple other authors) and fleshed out over time as they began down this path. Here's what you need to know: Hunt's book is dated. Some of her core recommendations are no longer easily applied ("only ever pay for things with cash"). Overall, the book had too much why and not enough how --but I hope that doesn't dissuade you from picking up a copy. The premise is excellent and the main idea critical: We need to do a much better job educating, preparing, and helping our kids practice to become smart financial decision-makers. This book offers simple and good advice: Start giving your kids more financial responsibility and ownership so they can learn from mistakes while the consequences are small, they can experience the rewards of working-toward/saving-for important purchases, and understand that we shouldn't be providing for their every want or waiting on the sidelines to rescue them (with loans or handouts) at the drop of a hat. This would be an ideal read when your kids are 8-9 years old --but odds are it's not too late to start adopting some of these ideas now. The Jones Family will be implementing some version of the Salary Plan very soon.
This post may contain affiliate links and I may make a HUGE commission (j/k it's literally pennies) when you click on the links at no additional cost to you. You should know (and I'm legally required to tell you) that as an Amazon Affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Feel free to make me RICH. lol ;)

Thursday, February 6, 2020
Things I Love Thursday // 2.6.20
- Tanning without the sun - My first job (in high school) was working at a tanning salon. I started as a "Bed Cleaner." It really was as gross as it sounds: wiping wet and sometimes crusty sweat off of fiberglass tanning beds. Also, people stink after tanning because of aforementioned sweat, close quarters, and indoor tanning lotions. I also folded towels, vacuumed the salon, emptied waste paper baskets, and restocked the tanning lotions --I mean, accelerators; tanning accelerators. I had a uniform. Along with minimum wage, I also got to tan for free. Eventually, I worked my way up the ladder to "Tanning Technician" (selling memberships and deciding how many minutes was a "safe" session to prevent the client from burning --but also feel like they were getting their money's worth). Clients liked to feel "prickly" and "taught" after a tanning session so they knew the bulbs were baking them sufficiently. We sold little heart-shaped stickers. Clients used a sticker, placed carefully, on their usually naked body, that would leave behind evidence of their darkening skin. I never used the stickers but I carry lots of evidence on my skin that proves how well the bulbs worked. *sigh* These days, we know better. I love sunscreen and wide-brimmed hats. I love cover-ups and umbrellas. However, I still also love a "golden glow" and have been conditioned to feel "healthier" with a little color on my legs and arms. Thankfully, I can achieve this sun-kissed coloring (within a week or so) with a little effort, a few bucks, and 3-5 extra minutes in the shower. I've been using Jergens Natural Glow Wet Skin Moisturizer (medium to tan) off and on for years. Things I love about it: the price ($9), the fact that you can find it anywhere (Target, Amazon, grocery store), the color builds over time, it's hard to really "mess up" --resulting in streaking and drip marks, it doesn't stain my clothing or sheets, using it leaves my skin feeling more supple. A thing I don't like about it: when I forget to wash my hands after application (more often than you'd think *another sigh*), it leaves behind this regrettable stain between my fingers. Tips: exfoliate beforehand --especially elbows, ankles, knees, and toes *knees and toes* (please tell me y'all started singing along too) scrubbing aggressively with a coarse washcloth is better than nothing, remember not to dry off before you apply --you should be dripping wet from the shower, wrap your hair in a towel before you begin, when you're done applying, pat your skin dry --paying attention to your feet and ankles (drips of water down your legs will result in streaks hours later), wash your with hands with soap afterward. {wow. i had a lot to say about Jergens.}
- Fur Babies - Pets are amazing. Richard Parker is a joy --when he's not meowing at the top of his lungs outside our bedroom door at 3am. For those of you not in the know, Richard Parker (named for the tiger in Life of Pi) is our 23 pound Ragdoll cat. He spends every morning on my lap as I sip coffee in my pajamas atop the couch trying to solve the mysteries of the universe --or mindlessly scrolling through Instagram. He is simple. He is friendly. He is always warm and soft. He's devilishly handsome. He doesn't ask for a lot from anyone and we love him so much.
- Colgate Optic White Toothpaste - I've been on the Crest Train for decades. It's what we've always used. I don't spend any time thinking about it, I just buy Crest in bulk --usually at Costco. A few weeks ago, I went to visit a great friend in Texas. I carried-on for my flight (please be impressed). Without a travel-size on hand, I arrived toothpasteless. Amy hooked me up with a nice fresh tube of Colgate Optic White in a snazzy red box. Wowza. Super refreshing. Maybe it's just nice to have a change? I don't know... what I do know is that I FEEL like my mouth is cleaner and my breath is fresher. When's the last time you thought critically about your toothpaste? Like I said, it may just be the change that is refreshing. In any event, I'm glad to have tried something different.
- Akeelah and the Bee - You've seen the movie, right? Circa 2006. Lawrence Fishburne. So good. If you're lucky enough to live in Charlotte, you have an opportunity to experience the stage production at The Children's Theatre between now and February 16th. Please don't miss this show. It's outstanding. Not only did I have the pleasure of seeing it last weekend --I also got to usher the show with these two lovelies:
- Hints of Spring - It snowed this week --for like a minute. Then the temperatures climbed to the low 70s a day or two later. Today it rained. This weekend we will dip into the 40s. "If you don't like the weather in Charlotte, wait 5 minutes" is something I've heard several times over the last 7 years. I'm actually not complaining. I like variety. I wish the globe were healthier --no doubt. But here's what I'm loving: hydrangeas the size of my head (actual quote from City Stems). On my counter. Do you regularly add fresh flowers to your home? I feel like I go in fits and spurts. This time of year, it's so nice to grab a little "farmer's bunch" from the grocery store or Trader Joe's to brighten up the kitchen. I do need to be better about this.
- A little "I love you" - As I sit here typing up the final edits on my post for this week, I literally just received a text from my brother: "Love you! I hope you're having a good day." Such a simple and easy way to bring a smile to the face of someone you love. Here's your nudge to do the same for someone you love. ***Since writing this post yesterday, I've heard some devastating news about a good friend who lost her father last night in a tragic car accident. My heart is with her and her family. Let's promise not to put off telling our people how much they mean to us.***
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