Thursday, May 28, 2020
Things I Love Thursday // 5.28.20
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Thursday, May 21, 2020
Things I Love Thursday // 5.21.20
- Puppy Breath - We finally got to meet our friends' new puppy this weekend! Bella is a Cavapoo. She is very sweet, very sleepy, and very much the owner of my heart now.
- Love Notes - We celebrated Mother's Day a week late this year. Some of the sweetest parts of the day were finding these little notes all over the house. I actually just found another one yesterday! So simple and thoughtful. Bookmark this idea for your loved one's birthday! (If you're interested in the reason we celebrated late, keep reading --otherwise, skip ahead). My husband had surgery the week of Mother's Day and asked me if I'd take a "rain check" on celebrating. He didn't feel "prepared to prepare" a fabulous day. Of course, I said it would be no problem. He expressed great thanks and insisted that it was supremely generous of me to agree to postpone --while I (secretly) thought the generous thing would have been to just roll with the situation and lower my expectations. When I (later) admitted this to him, he said it never crossed his mind that having a "not fabulous" day might be an option. Haha. You might be thinking, "Goodness! What on earth does she expect?" Here's my definition of fabulous: No plans, no dishes or picking up (but enjoying a clean house), handmade cards from the girls, my favorite meal. It's really not over-the-top. BUT the "favorite meal" part is critical and it requires my husband to grill. Grilling was not allowed on May 10th because of his surgery. Let me tell you, it was worth the wait.
- Snake Huggie Earrings - I'm loving the style of wearing multiple earrings in my original piercings these days --after a break from doing just that (which lasted about 20 years). I was surprised to find that while my helix piercing had closed, my lobe piercings were still open. For now, (ha!) I have three piercings in one ear and one in the other. I've been wearing a combination of tiny studs and asked for a few small pairs of "huggie" hoops for Mother's Day. This Amazon link has lots of very fun styles to choose from and each of these 14K gold plated pairs is only $12. A huge bonus is the way these are designed to "click" open and closed. The hinges might wear out at some point, but it's worth it to me to not have to struggle to get the back wire inserted (as some hoop-style earrings are designed). In addition to the snakes, I chose these ones and these ones. *affiliate links make me rich!
- Mike's Hot Honey - We first stumbled upon this product in our favorite local cheese shop, Mere's. It has really got a kick! Delicious with cheeses, on avocado toast, pizza, or grilled cheese --it went fast. We've been "unable" to get our hands on any more (because I didn't bother checking for it on Amazon). Duh. In any event, we have it again and you might find it amazing as well!
- Pimento Cheese - It's a southern thing. It's necessary. Before we moved here, I had never even heard of pimento cheese. Now, if you visit us from out of town, we will make it a point to serve you pimento cheese and Cheerwine (also very much a thing). My friend, Anne, popped over the other day with a lovely little surprise: Chef Jaime's Pimento Cheese. I've had lots of versions of this southern staple and this is by far one of the creamiest --with just the right amount of texture from the curds and peppers. If you're local to the Charlotte area, you're in luck! Just order through an Instagram message and delivery is free! Spicier versions of pimento cheese are usually what I gravitate toward and I can't wait to order Jaime's jalapeño version. So I have to know (especially from my West Coast peeps): Have you had pimento cheese? Are you a fan?
- Garden Growth - We are having a very strange spring. It's been incredibly mild, as far as temperatures go. Some days are downright chilly! It rained all day yesterday and through the night. I had planned to make a big spring salad with grilled chicken for dinner and instead remained curled up and opted for Mexican takeout last night! Given/despite (?) the weather, the garden is going like gangbusters. These zucchini seemed to burst out of nowhere overnight and this sweet little cherry tomato, though not completely ripe, had fallen from the vine. The beans are taking shape. The banana peppers continue to amaze and the crook-necked squash are almost the right size. In case you've missed the many announcements on Instagram, I'm a farmer now. Obviously.
- Meals We Loved - We continue to eat well during quarantine. My "Foodie Night" text chain is always full of ideas, recipes, yummy-looking plates, funny memes, and good news. If you read the TILT post last week, you know my friend, Carrie, gifted me yeast packets! If you have any, I highly recommend making a fun night of homemade pizzas. Everyone in our family enjoyed creating their own version of the "perfect pie." The recipe linked here makes 2 large pizzas or 4 generous individuals. Next time (and there will definitely be a next time) I will cut the dough into 6 pieces because the size of our 4-portioned pies was tricky to transfer onto the hot pan. I used the leftover grilled asparagus and red onion from my Mother's Day meal + shredded mozzarella and creamy ricotta in a very easy and versatile frittata this week. I've also linked a recipe for spring ramp pasta. If you can't find any ramps, then small leeks, green onions and/or shallots would be a good substitute (I'd also suggest adding some lemon zest to finish the dish). Pictured below, in order, and linked recipes here, are the highlights of the week: Carrie's Yummy Pizzas, Thai Basil Beef with Peanut Salsa (this recipe came from my Half Baked Harvest Super Simple cookbook and is not available online; however, this HBH Thai Basil Beef is similar, "Mom's Favorite Meal" (rare filet, grilled asparagus and red onion, green salad, +big cabernet), Leftovers Frittata, Simple Ramp Pasta, and Coconut Chicken Tikka Masala.
- Sourdough Strides - I have a new favorite sourdough recipe/technique and it's resulted in two beautiful, rustic loaves over the past week. Turns out, I had been over-proofing my dough and by the time it hit the hot oven, it was exhausted --which yielded a very wimpy oven spring. This new recipe from Sylvia of Feasting at Home (gorgeous blog --going to have to spend some time exploring soon) is even a "no-knead" method! In the sourdough bread post, you will find step-by-step instructions and videos about the different "folds" that are straightforward and detailed. If you're into the whole bread-baking thing --or you want to jump in, give this recipe a go. Sylvia also has a detailed methodology for making your own starter --though, the easiest way to get started is to find a baker friend in your area and ask for some of theirs. Seriously. Sharing your starter is a thing. Most bakers are very generous and love to celebrate this part of the "Bread Community."
This post may contain affiliate links and I may make a HUGE commission (j/k it's literally pennies) when you click on the links at no additional cost to you. You should know (and I'm legally required to tell you) that as an Amazon Affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Feel free to make me RICH. lol ;)

Sunday, May 17, 2020
What I've Read Recently // April 2020
As always, I'd love to hear what you've been reading!
Adapted from Goodreads:
Our love story is simple. I met a gorgeous woman. We fell in love. We had kids. We moved to the suburbs. We told each other our biggest dreams, and our darkest secrets. And then we got bored. We all have secrets to keeping a marriage alive. Ours just happens to be getting away with murder.
What I thought: 7/10
You guys, this book is not your typical suspense-thriller. I you can see from the summary that this isn't going to fall into the run-of-the-mill "bad guy comes after innocent woman" kind of box. It's a well-written page turner that turns the stereotyped serial killer on its head. I won't say too much about the plot because I don't want to give anything away. I did not rate the book higher than 7 because the characters were fairly one-dimensional and their motives continue to allude me; however, I conjure Joaquin Phoenix (as the corrupt emperor, Commodus, from one of my all-time favorite movies, Gladiator) when he demands of the jeering crowd: "Are you not entertained?!" --and find that I'm holding my hand in a declarative thumbs-up.
Final Girls by Riley Sager
Adapted from Goodreads:
Ten years ago, college student Quincy Carpenter went on vacation with five friends and came back alone, the only survivor of a horror movie–scale massacre. In an instant, she became a member of a club no one wants to belong to—a group of similar survivors known in the press as the Final Girls. There are three Final Girls in recent history: Quinn, Sam, and Lisa. The three have never met. That is, until Lisa, the first Final Girl, is found dead in her bathtub, wrists slit, and Sam, the second, appears on Quincy's doorstep.
What I thought: 6.5/10
Adapted from Goodreads:
The only child of a single mother, Nina has her life just as she wants it: a job in a bookstore, a kick-butt trivia team, a world-class planner and a cat named Phil. When the father Nina never knew existed suddenly dies, leaving behind innumerable sisters, brothers, nieces, and nephews, Nina is horrified. It's time for Nina to come out of her comfortable shell, but she isn't convinced real life could ever live up to fiction.
What I thought: 8/10
Prozac Nation by Elizabeth Wurtzel
Adapted from Goodreads:
A harrowing story of breakdowns, suicide attempts, drug therapy, and an eventual journey back to living, this poignant and often hilarious book gives voice to the high incidence of depression among America's youth.
What I thought: I stopped reading this book at 56% through.
First and foremost, I applaud Wurtzel for contributing to the conversation. I thought this book would be part memoir and part critical reporting of the scope and the shift toward psychopharmacology in America. It was not that. Instead, this book was incredibly self-indulgent, whiney, and tedious. The author did a good job describing how it felt to be misunderstood and unwell. She talked at length about how exhausting it was for her family and friends to maintain relationships with her. Definitely. I get it. The book is extremely exhausting. Between the totally random italicized rants shoved between passages, the prevalence of obscure words and book references (to show us how intelligent and well-read she is), name and brand dropping, and complaints about how little money there was for anything (except private school, summer camp, NYC apartments, therapists, cruises, etcetera) I found the book unreadable. Despite really not caring for Wurtzel or her writing, I did feel compassion for her in having to live through such intense depression and hopelessness. I wanted to bear witness to her struggle and listen to her story. However, after avoiding the book in favor of nearly anything else, I finally gave myself permission to just move on. *sighs with relief*
Dear Edward by Ann Napolitano
Adapted from Goodreads:
One summer morning, twelve-year-old Edward Adler, his beloved older brother, his parents, and 183 other passengers board a flight in Newark headed for Los Angeles. The plane crashes. Edward is the sole survivor. Dear Edward is at once a transcendent coming-of-age story, a multidimensional portrait of an unforgettable cast of characters, and a breathtaking illustration of all the ways a broken heart learns to love again.
What I thought: 9/10
This was a fantastic book! While the subject matter is devastating and the journey for Edward is painful and incredibly difficult, overall, the story is beautiful. The characters here are layered and compelling. These people are flawed, honest, and worth your attention. Napolitano somehow manages to write Edward's grief into the pages with grace and unflinching detail. The journey from broken, to less-broken, and then to re-shaped is emotionally moving. I feel changed for having read this novel and I think you might too.
~ Pin for Later ~
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Thursday, May 14, 2020
Things I Love Thursday // 5.14.20
- Strawberry Picking - If you are anywhere near Indian Trail, North Carolina, do yourself a favor and make it a point to visit Wise Acres, "a family-owned u-pick organic strawberry and pumpkin farm." During this pandemic, Wise Acres is offering reservations that are managed in order to ensure safe social distancing. Extra sanitary procedures are also in place. The outing gave our little trio a much-needed change of scenery on what turned out to be a gorgeous afternoon. We came home with the most delicious strawberries! Berry picking at Wise Acres will last through mid June but reservations can be a little hard to come by. If you're planning on making a trip, set a reminder to check the website regularly on May 17, as this is when they will be releasing more time slots. If you get an "excessive traffic" message, keep refreshing your page. Good luck!
- Love & Support - And who doesn't love that? More specifically, Greg underwent elective surgery to repair a damaged tendon in his elbow last week. He's been suffering through tennis elbow for almost three years now and managing a bit with cortisone shots --in the hopes that it would heal with good rest. Unfortunately, that never happened. For anyone wondering about the logistics during COVID, he was under the best care (of a good friend of ours) at an outpatient surgery center for only part of the day, and I waited in the car the entire time. The messages and positive vibes from friends and loved ones has been great. Not everyone knew that the surgery and been scheduled --but those who did reached out immediately with kind words and good thoughts. Several of our sweet friends and neighbors also gifted us with incredible meals delivered over the first few days following his surgery. We were spoiled (and it was fantastic). Pictured below is Rosemary Pork Loin with Watermelon Salad and Corn on the Cob, Baked Oatmeal with Bacon and Cantaloupe, and Roasted Tomato Bisque + Homemade Croutons with Artichoke and Broccoli Pesto Brie Paninis with Thyme Honey. Not pictured but also devoured (as you can imagine): Béchamel/Bolognese Lasagna. So grateful (and full).
- Sweet Surprise Salt Cellar - Look at this little treasure! My girlfriend, Fran, is a part of the "Foodie Night" text chain (that I've blogged about before). This text chain is one of the best developments to come out of this quarantine. We share photos, recipes, ideas, and feedback about dishes we've tried. We also share a lot of jokes and memes. This "space" has been inspiring, supportive, uplifting, and motivating. We all appreciate it so much. Fran delivered these delightful salt cellars to each of us in the Foodie Night group as an extra Mother's Day treat. I hope you have a great network of supportive loved ones in place to both demonstrate and receive some extra grace during this challenging time. Cheers to good food and great friends!
- Yeast - Speaking of good food and great friends, my girlfriend, Carrie, just gifted me with some solid gold. Well... edible gold. Check it out! YEAST. Is yeast available where you live? It's been very scarce around these parts. Tonight we're using a packet to make homemade pizzas! I hope it's an entertaining and delicious dinner. I thought about making Kindred's Milkbread recipe that the internet has been abuzz over lately... but that sucker calls for THREE yeast packages. Who has that kind of hoard?? Maybe I'll try a little focaccia with it. Perhaps one like this?
- HBH Dinners this week - I'm singing the same tune I've had stuck in my head for weeks now. The lyrics are all about how Half Baked Harvest has the most beautiful, delicious, and fairly easy-to-make recipes that have captured my heart and belly. This week we enjoyed Better-than-Takeout Dan Dan Noodles (so good but barely enough to satisfy our family of four), Better-than-Takeout Sweet Thai Basil Chicken (our second time with this recipe and I forgot to add the fresh mango before I took its picture), Sun-Dried Tomato, White Bean, and Goat Cheese Pasta (I served this as a side dish to cheeseburgers and there were lots of leftovers), and Coconut Popcorn Chicken with Sweet Thai Chili Lime Sauce and Creamy Honey Mustard (the panko is essential to getting these crunchy and both sauces are excellent --so don't skip one.)
- Coffee on the Porch - Small, socially-distanced get-togethers have been a saving grace for me these past few weeks. While North Carolina is slowly testing the waters of re-opening (we're in phase one of three) and allowing some business to open to the public, I'm not ready to dip my toe in just yet. However, spending time outdoors (6-10 feet apart and BYOB+C) with a handful of bookclub friends, a neighborhood couple for a drink, or a sweet friend for coffee on the porch has done wonders for my spirits. This week I got to visit with a bestie I hadn't sat in the company of for more than 8 weeks. Absolutely delightful. Also delightful were the gorgeous spray roses she brought me from her garden. Have you ventured into this territory of in-person visiting yet? Where do you fall on the spectrum of closeness? It's so difficult to know what's safe and responsible. I'd love to hear your thoughts.
This post may contain affiliate links and I may make a HUGE commission (j/k it's literally pennies) when you click on the links at no additional cost to you. You should know (and I'm legally required to tell you) that as an Amazon Affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Feel free to make me RICH. lol ;)

Thursday, May 7, 2020
Things I Love Thursday // 5.7.20
- "Porchraits" - Stay at home, quarantine, shelter in place... (Mostly) everyone, across the country and throughout the world, is doing what they can to help flatten the curve. During this quiet break from what used to be our hurried "normal" --while simultaneously co-exisiting with the very real horrors, failures, and impossible obstacles/choices so many people are facing in the world, my privileged appreciation of this "saturated togetherness" with my family is a jarring juxtaposition. Acknowledging the "upsides" seems insensitive, at best. It feels strange and confusing to experience these mixed emotions and even stranger to try to explain my "struggle" here. See? Weird. In any case, here I am. I am grateful for the slower pace and learning how to fill it with simple pleasures. I think often about how to carry this present-ness forward when we move toward recovery. With the intention of not taking for granted this unique and novel moment of our lifetime, we had family portraits done to mark this time at HOME. Barefoot and on the porch, we sat and smiled as the most lovely photographer (and elementary school teacher from our beloved Dilworth), instructed us on head angles, hand placement, and dress adjustments. Twenty painless minutes later, we were finished. And later that day, after she sent us the files, we were thrilled. If you're in the Charlotte area, contact me and I will put you in touch. (I must also point out that Geneva was an incredibly good sport about this --given the fact that she was scheduled to have her braces removed 4 weeks ago.) Here're a few of my very favorites (so hard to choose).
- Fresh Herbs - Are you growing your own herbs yet? Raised bed, container garden, pot on the porch... Even if you only have a sunny windowsill to work with, I encourage you to take the plunge. This is a beautiful option from HortikiPlants on Etsy. Fresh herbs add flavor, color, and pizazz. (Yeah. I just used that word. You're welcome.) Your home-grown fresh herbs will also add a level of badassery you didn't realize you were missing in your dishes. For real. You'll love it and so will your family. Well... maybe they won't actually notice. But you will and it will be great.
- Lemon "Bars" - I love lemon bars. It's the choice I often make when confronted by a bakery display window. The tart, creamy, sweet lemon custard over a buttery crust of shortbread... so good. But, for some reason, I never actually get around to making any. To my delight, Piper made Lemon Bar wedges the other day and they were amazing! She was forced to make wedges instead of rectangles because it turns out that I don't own a square baking dish. Hm. Never noticed its absence before. Anyhoo, they were great. (AND... they came from a box mix.) True story. Trader Joe's Lemon Bar mix is awesome. Don't worry; there was still a lot of butter (in the shortbread crust) and a bit of work involved (squeezing 1/2 cup of fresh lemon juice, I think) --so it was a lot like "homemade" in the end and they tasted bakery-good. Do you have a no-fail recipe your family loves? If so, let me know. Maybe we (she) will try it next time. But know that they're going to have be really good to outshine the TJ's ones.
- Squash Blossoms - Have you ever had the pleasure of fried squash blossoms, filled with ricotta or goat cheese and herbs, then dusted with flour and crisped-up in a pan of hot oil and butter? Let me tell you, they are unbelievably delicious. Sadly, they wouldn't travel well for takeout and I'm not ambitious enough to try to make them at home so it will be some time before I enjoy my next plate of this culinary delight. *sigh* In the meantime, I will dream of those ones and enjoy the ones that have exploded in the garden this week --promising the arrival of yellow, crook-necked squash and green zucchini. Yahoo!
- Watermelon Rosé Palomas - Surprise! (Not) It's another Half Baked Harvest recipe. This one is for a cocktail that calls for fresh watermelon juice, rosé, sparkling water, and tequila. What's not to love? It's a perfect recipe to bookmark and carry through these approaching summer months. And it's so pretty!
- Soccer Sisters - As you know, this year was the first that the Jones Sisters got to play on the same soccer team. Before the season/school year was canceled, I got to see them compete in two games. I'm grateful even for that. Before we turned in uniforms this week, they allowed me to take some backyard pics of them. They are very good sports. (Heh. See what I did there?)
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